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PROM/SE: Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education

Parent Outreach

Mathematics Counts & Science Matters!

Parent-Child Path to Success

Step 1: Start the school year on the right foot.

  • There is more to "Back to School" than clothes and supplies. Talk to your child about why learning is important and help her set goals for the year.

Step 2: Get to know your child's teachers and let them know you.

  • Ask what your child will be learning in math and science, and how your child's progress will be measured.

Step 3: Homework is important!

  • Be sure your child understands and completes homework assignments. Be available to answer questions and offer encouragement.

Step 4: Reinforce math and science learning skills.

  • Turn daily activities around the house into learning experiences. Ask your child to help you measure, estimate, and count. Help make learning fun!

Setp 5: Identify problem areas early.

  • Know your child's progress and test scores. Talk to his teacher if your child is struggling with math and science.

Step 6: Get a tutor if your child needs extra help.

  • Many schools and community organizations offer free or affordable tutoring.

www.promse.msu.edu. PROM/SE is funded by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement No. EHR-0314866.